Airwheel SE3S 登機箱 (標檢局BSMI 合格登錄) - Airwheel 台灣官方 上天下地行李箱

Airwheel brand authorized agent

If any company, trade name, group or individual conducts false propaganda, damages or slanders our company's reputation through any form or platform of advertising or speech; or sells or promotes goods in the name of our brand agent, our company will pursue legal action. Legal responsibility will never be tolerated.

About our company

Riding wherever you go, a travel tool for lazy people

It’s not just a suitcase, it can also be used as a means of transportation

Celebrities and fashionistas love fashion the most, how can you not come to a coffee shop?

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日前有不肖業者將我司代理之行李箱作為詐欺工具,在FB IG 募資後惡意不出貨 預計出貨日期一延再延。因上述業者非原廠授權之代理商 無法進行銷售 募資預購行為為慣性不法獲利。我司已經交由司法流程處理且特此呼籲眾消費者認清正品 向品牌授權的我司購買才享售後服務及保固。

👉受害消費者自救方式 1)PayPal 申請退款 2)銀行申請 爭議款退款。

👉已有其他消費者成功退款,我司亦成立line 群組供受害人分享及討論退款經驗,有需要的消費者可私訊進入群組。

👉我司深切期盼眾多受害者的血汗錢能順利討回。我司因體恤受害消費者 另對其提供補貼方案🙏

👉預約試乘請於Line官方帳號預約  @airwheeltw